BTM Cars & Parts for Sale
These cars are either duplicates or are projects currently beyond our means to complete. All came to us with “no strings” or encumbrances as to their disposition. Several cars in this category have been sold providing support for the Museum.
For additional parts, click here to go the BTM Autojumble page
Funds raised will go towards furthering the mission of the Museum.
Call Pete Strobel for information. 937-546-0039

MGA Drivetrain for sale
Engine, transmission, rear end
January 14, 2019
Make offer
We have a MGA 1500 engine transmission, and rear end. Head removed from engine but included. Enquire Bill Jacobs @ 330-264-1959

1961 Humber Super Snipe series III
56,000 miles
January 30, 2018
Solid body, clean underneath. Leather interior with rear fold-out trays. Six cylinder hemi engine, 2965cc. Rare 3 speed on the column. Starts every time. Very nice driver.
Mini Woody Wagon
January 30, 2018
Project in need of rocker panels. New wood kit. All of the Wagon specific parts are there. No engine/trany. No front subframe