Brits at the Museum
19th Annual Car Show
Saturday May 11, 2024 9AM to 3PM
321 Hopeland St., Dayton, OH
Registration will be limited to the first 100 cars.
Registration 10 AM -Class Judging at 1 PM
People’s Choice Judging
Celebrating 50 years of the Wedge - Triumph TR7/8

Come see the Tardis!
Come visit the 65 vehicles in the Museum collection.
Walk down “Penny Lane” for a photo op.
Autojumble! Bring out your spare parts for sale.
Bring Family and Friends. Spectators are welcome free of charge.
Free Ice Cream
Mother's Day Gift for mothers of all ages who attend!

Dr. Who Look-Alike Contest and Best Mini-Tartis Model or Figurine Contest.
19th Annual British Car Meet Registration
Registration may be done electronically using the form below or by clicking on the entry form button below, printing out the Registration Form and, following the instructions on the form, fill it in and mail in with check.
Entry fees are $15,00 for pre-registration (will increase to $18.00 on May 1st.). Members of the British Transportation Museum are entitled to a $5.00 discount ($10.00 entry). Vendor registration is $10.00.
For more information, contact James Dean 989-255-1384 or Pete Stroble, 937-546-0039